IPPF Solidarity Fund

Dear Colleagues,

These are difficult times for all of us, individually and collectively — and I hope that you are your loved ones are keeping safe and well. 

With the coronavirus pandemic unfolding day-by-day, I don’t know what life will be like when you receive this note.  But I am sure of one thing: our local partners throughout the world will still be fighting to reach the most vulnerable with the care they need.

Yet, the path ahead will not be an easy or simple one. I am sure you have heard by now the results of our survey showing the immediate and serious effect of the pandemic. We have witnessed the swift closure of clinics, mobile health units, as well as watched critical staff lose their jobs or get furloughed. I am pleased to say that this message is being broadcast around the world as media outlets shine a light on the profound loss of the vital services our network provides. As of yesterday, this message has been picked up by over 376 different outlets, who between them have a reach of 524,789,019 people globally.

We are hopeful that as more and more people are moved by this story they will be inspired to act in support of our mission.

In my previous message to the Secretariat, I announced the creation of a Solidarity Fund that will provide core funding for our staff on the frontlines who have been directly impacted by the pandemic. Now, I am asking all Secretariat staff to consider supporting your friends, colleagues and fellow members of the IPPF ecosystem by making an immediate contribution to the fund.

Your support is purely voluntary, and will provide a critical boost to the creation of the fund which in turn will directly assist those who need it most. We are aiming to secure $2,000,000 USD to provide immediate and direct relief.

Please visit https://www.ippf.org/solidarityfund to make your contribution online now.

I very much appreciate that we are all in different places, positions and may have been impacted ourselves. Your support at this time will represent a resounding, inspiring and uplifting act of solidarity. It is only together that we will be able to quickly respond, recover, and restore the work we all deeply value. 

Thank you for your generosity, conviction, and compassion. I am grateful for whatever you can give, however grand or small.  I know we will emerge from this crisis, having done everything in our power to ensure that the women and girls around the world get the care they need.

With gratitude,


Posted in All Updates, Resource Mobilization

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