The COVID-19 epidemic is one of the greatest challenges our Federation has faced.

Risk of direct spread from C-19 and national measures enforced in light of this outbreak have had both healthcare and economic implications for IPPF Member Associations (MA).
IPPF Taskforce
Coordinated Response To Covid -19 Pandemic.
Recognizing the urgent need to ensure coordination of the overall response, provide accurate, timely guidance and ensure support to MAs, IPPF has convened a global multi disciplinary taskforce (TF) under these circumstances to guide, coordinate and respond to the ongoing situation.
C-19 Survey Results Round 3
Update: 7th December 2020
As the COVID-19 crisis continued to unfold between June and November, IPPF launched a third round survey to continue analysis of the impact of C-19 on MA operations and SRH service provision in order to inform priorities for an IPPF response. The survey also investigated innovations and responses from MAs themselves, including as part of national COVID-19 response.