IPPF’s MA in Mozambique – Associação Moçambicana para Desenvolvimento da Família (AMODEFA) response during COVID-19
What services is AMODEFA still able to provide during this time?
Right after the announcement of the emergency state on 1 April, AMODEFA took a series of measures to guarantee the minimum sexual and reproductive health services provision in all its delivery points of service. They include:
- Family Planning Service:
- First consultation – offer 3 pills cycle
- Subsequent – also offering 3 pills cycle
- Offering long-term methods
- Gynaecological services
- Pre and post-natal consultation services
- STI/HIV/AIDS services
- Laboratory services
- Pharmacy services
- Youth-friendly services
- In the communities, AMODEFA is raising awareness on family planning and COVID-19 prevention messages through use of megaphones
Has AMODEFA had to adapt the way it delivers SRHR services?
Yes it has, in the following ways:
- The providers work on an established scale and with weekly rotation
- Reduction in the number of providers at each deliver point service
- It stopped mobile health brigades to avoid crowds
- Scheduling alternate days for less customer flow
- Mandatory use of masks and hands disinfection with alcohol for both providers and customers
Have you had to shut down any clinics or suspend some activities? Which ones?
- AMODEFA has not shut down any clinic, but is now working at 50% and based on the measures described above
- All community activities involving clusters of people have been suspended
- All trainings with more 10 participants have been suspended
- Cancellation of field visits by staff
Is your MA part of any COVID-19 response team?
- AMODEFA was already part of the Family Planning team at national level and it now serves to respond to the COVID-19 impact in relation to FP and we work in coordination with Ministry of Health in the elaboration of:
- Specific guidelines for the SRH/FP services provision including for
youth-friendly services within the scope of COVID-19
- Design of key messages on contraception and services during COVID-19
- Collaboration in the provision of ambulance vehicles to support health units
- Some staff members and material assets have been allocated to support the Mozambique governments’ response to COVID-19.
What is your MA doing to ensure that pregnant women who need services during this time are still able to access them?
- The biggest concern has to do with violence against women and girls in the context of confinement. What AMODEFA has been doing is referring and sharing contacts (green lines) for reporting cases of violence. We are also producing and disseminating radio programs in the Portuguese and local languages on topics such as Safe Abortion, GBV and sexual violence during the isolation period.
What activities is AMODEFA doing with other partners?
- AMODEFA is working with the information and communication technology technician to update its platforms and identify new tools such as Zoom, Bitrix24 and other social networks to share information on SRHR as well as promoting CSE during the pandemic
- There is a WhatsApp group only for young people within the scope of SRHR that MoH and partners decided create share communities and provincial experiences on cases of FP and GBV for support at the level of the bodies competent. In coordination with YAM and other Youth Organizations, we are collaborating in the identification of young people who are focal points at provincial and community level
- YAM has developed small awareness videos on different topics and dissemination is done through digital platforms (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp)
- We are waiting for a response from one of our partners to approval the budget for sport production to be shared on digital platforms
How are you using digital media to share information during this time?
- We already use WhatsApp groups to share information, as well as other platforms. YAM for example, also has Zoom, Skype and WhatsApp to discuss different CSE topics. The SMT holds its meetings and makes decisions using Skype.
How are your MA volunteers involved in the response to COVID-19?
- Medical volunteers are supporting local structures by providing services and sensitizing the population about the importance of prevention and being part of the different work teams in Health Units, others remain attentive of the situation and through social networks promote prevention messages.
Responses provided by Mr. Marcelo Rufino Kantu