Interview with Maria João Aimé Handem, Executive Director of Associação Guineense Para O Bem Estar Familiar (AGUIBEF GNB), IPPF’s Member Association in Guinea Bissau
What services is your MA still offering during this challenging COVID-19 period?
The clinic is offering pre and post-natal consultations, family planning, HIV/AIDS services, counseling, management and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) as well as various clinical examinations.
Has your MA had to change any aspect in its delivery of services?
Yes, AGUIBEF is now only operational from 0700-1400hrs, according to the directives given by the government.
Have you had to close down some clinics or suspend some activities?
Yes, we have had to stop all activities that involve gatherings of people, such as community outreaches where we create awareness and offer services.
How are you working with partners during this period to ensure that SRHR services are provided?
We are working closely with UNFPA to create awareness about COVID-19 and how one can stay safe. We are using local and community radio stations to inform pregnant women that our clinics are functional, though only open during the hours permitted by the government. We are also sending out this message across our social media platforms to ensure that as many women and their families are reached with this information.
AUIBEF has also developed an activity plan with the Ministry of Health and other NGOs, whose activities are being implemented.
Our staff and service providers have also been trained on effective COVID-19 response.